Manovigyan E-BOOK in Gujarati||TAT, TET 2,TET 1 Manovigyan Book
National Achievement Survey (NAS) is a nationally representative large-scale survey of students’ learning undertaken by the Ministry of Education, Government of India. NAS gives a system level reflection on effectiveness of school education. Findings help compare the performance across spectrum and across population in order to find the desirable direction for improvements.
National Achievement Survey-2023 is scheduled on 12th November 2023 The National Council of Educational Research and Training (NCERT) has developed the Assessment Framework for gauging the competencies attained by the students vis-a-vis learning outcomes. The Survey goes beyond the scorecard and includes the background variables to correlate student’s performance in different learning outcomes vis-a-vis contextual variables. This national level survey would be conducted by the Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) as Assessment Administrator for Grade 3, 5, 8 and 10 students of State Govt. schools, Govt. Aided schools, Private Unaided recognized schools and Central Government schools. The Survey will be conducted in a monitored environment in the sampled schools. Sampling Design for NAS 2021 intends to support the predefined and agreed objectives of the national assessment, NAS 2021 intends to provide information of what India’s students know and can do in key grades and subjects at national, state, district and school type. Selection of sampled schools is based on Therefore, the States, Districts used for drawing of the samples for NAS 2023 is exactly as per the UDISE+2023-24.

NAS findings would help diagnose learning gaps of students and determine interventions required in education policies, teaching practices and learning. Through its diagnostic report cards, NAS findings help in capacity building for teachers, officials involved in the delivery of education. NAS 2021 would be a rich repository of evidences and data points furthering the scope of research and development. With this in view, NAS-2021 Portal has been developed by NIC as a dynamic platform in consultation with the NCERT, CBSE, UNICEF, DDG (Stats) and NITI Aayog under the overall guidance of Ministry of Education, Government of India. This portal would be a sustainable educational management information system both for helping in smooth conduct of NAS-2021 as well as for future decision-making based on data analytics. The portal provides role-based functionality and dashboard for managing the resources (various functionaries involved in the conduct & administration of NAS), activity and event monitoring, capacity building, reporting & documentation, post NAS analytical report in the customized formats.
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