Gujarat Gaun Seva Pasandgi Mandal (GSSSB) has published GSSSB AAE (Civil) No. of vacancies Increased Notification 2023, Check below for more details.

As per the notification Gujarat Secondary Service Selection Board had published direct recruitment on dated16/06/2022 Published for Advt. No. 205/202223 to 211/202223 for the post of Additional Assistant Engineer (Civil) under Narmada Water Resources, Water Supply, and Kalpsar Division. In Advt. No. 207/202223 total Number of Posts was 104+88 = 192 posts were shown.GSSSB AAE (Civil)
Regarding the posts mentioned in the above advertisement, the demand sheet for filling 200 posts instead of 26 posts for the year 2022 and 200 posts for 2023 through direct recruitment has been received from the said department. According to which the posts to be filled by direct recruitment of Additional Assistant Engineer (Civil), the Class-III cadre has been revised.
So the date is 16/06/2022 as mentioned on pages 2 and 5 of the said joint advertisement. – The posts of 207/202223 have been amended. According to this the candidates have to consider the posts mentioned below in the notification. GSSSB AAE (Civil)
Post: Additional Assistant Engineer (Civil)
Advt. No. 207/202223
Notification: Click Here
Old Notification: Click Here
Official Website: Click Here