Sainik School Jamnagar Balachadi Admission Notification 2022 :National Informatics Centre (NIC), established in 1976 has rich experience in providing ICT and e-Governance support to the Government for the last 4 decades. It has emerged as a promoter of digital opportunities for sustainable development. NIC spearheaded the usage of Information Technology systems and services for enhancing the productivity, efficiency, and effectiveness of social and public administration.Sainik School Jamnagar Balachadi Admission Notification 2022
Sainik Schools Society (SSS) is an autonomous organization under the Ministry of Defence, Govtof India. The Society runs Sainik Schools. Sainik Schools are English medium residential schools affiliated to CBSE. Sainik Schools prepare Cadets to join the National Defence Academy (NDA),Khadakwasla (Pune), Indian Naval Academy, Ezhimala and other Training Academies for officers.At present there are a total of 33 Sainik Schools across the country. List of Sainik Schools is given in Appendix- IA.Sainik School Jamnagar Balachadi Admission Notification 2022
facilitating electronic delivery of services to the government (G2G), business (G2B), citizen (G2C) and government employee (G2E). Through the nationwide network across all 37 States/ UTs and 720+ Districts, NIC is steadfast towards the development of smart digital infrastructure for empowering citizen-based services.

Examination management services developed by e-Counselling division, NIC facilitate central/state examination boards to undertake candidate registration and result declaration process with seamless integration of various facets, from registration, application inspection, eligibility fulfillment, online payment and result formulation. Services allow candidates to register online for an examination covering.Sainik School Jamnagar Balachadi Admission Notification 2022
all the steps including form filling, document upload, discrepancy removal, fee payment, eAdmit card, answer key challenge, recorded response challenge, eScore card etc. Service are integrated with communication gateways to keep all the stakeholders informed about the status updates and necessary action using SMS and e-Mail. Services support several national/state level examinations like JEE, UGC/CSIR-NET, CTET, NEET, CMAT/GPAT, IIFT, ICAR, UPSEE, OJEE, WBJEEB etc.Sainik School Jamnagar Balachadi Admission Notification 2022
Admission to Class VI and Class IX of the 33 Sainik Schools for the academic year 2023-24, isthrough a written exam called AISSEE 2023.
Admission is based on the performance of candidates in the All-India Sainik Schools Entrance Examination (AISSEE). The admission of candidates will be carried out on the basis of ecounselling as per rank secured by the candidates in the School wise, gender wise, category wise(Home State and Out Side State) Merit List of AISSEE 2023, medical fitness approved by competent medical authorities and verification of original documents. The concept of Home State and Outside State is linked to the domicile of the candidate and is determined with reference to the location of the Saink School opted by him/her in his application.
A candidate is deemed to belong to Home State if his state of domicile and the State where the Sainik School opted by him in his application is located, are the same. For example, a candidate who is domiciled in the State of Gujarat opts for the Sainik School at Balachadi (Distt. Jamnagar, Gujarat), he is deemed to belong to the Home State of Gujarat for the purpose of admission to the Sainik School at Balachadi (Distt. Jamnagar, Gujarat) A candidate is deemed to belong to Outside State if his state of domicile and the State where the Sainik School opted by him in his application is located, are different. For example, a candidate who is domiciled in the State of Haryana opts for the Sainik School at Balachadi (Distt. Jamnagar, Gujarat), he is deemed to belong to the Outside State for the purpose ofadmission to the Sainik School at Balachadi (Distt. Jamnagar, Gujarat).Sainik School Jamnagar Balachadi Admission Notification 2022
સૈનિક સ્કૂલ પ્રવેશ પરીક્ષા ૨૦૨૩ સૈનિક સ્કૂલ બાલાચડીમાં પ્રવેશ માટે પ્રવેશ પરીક્ષાના ફોર્મ ભરાઈ છે. આ પરીક્ષા નેશનલ ટેસ્ટ ટિંગ એજન્સી દ્વારા લેવામાં આવે છે.(ભારતની મુખ્ય ૩૩ સૈનિક સ્કૂલ સહિત અન્ય નવી બનેલ સ્કૂલ પણ પ્રવેશ આપવામાં આવે છે) ફોર્મ ૨૧/૧૦/૨૦૨૨ થી ૩૦/૧૧/૨૦૨૨ દરમિયાન ભરાશે.
પરીક્ષાની તારીખ ૦૮/૦૧/૨૩ છે. ધોરણ ૬ અને ૯ માં પ્રવેશ આપવામાં આવે છે. સૈનિક સ્કૂલે એ સંરક્ષણ મંત્રાલય ભારત સરકાર દ્વારા સંચાલિત અને સેન્ટ્રલ બોર્ડ ઓફ સેકન્ડરી એજ્યુકેશન (CBSE) સાથે સંલગ્ન અંગ્રેજી માધ્યમની નિવાસી સ્કૂલ છે. સૈનિક સ્કૂલ એ કેડેટ્સને નેશનલ ડિફેન્સ એકેડમી (NDA), ખડકવાસલા (પુણે), ઇન્ડિયન નેવલ એકેડેમી, એઝિમાલા અને અધિકારી બનવા માટે અન્ય તાલીમ એકેડમીમાં જોડાવા માટે તૈયાર કરે છે.
સૈનિક સ્કૂલ માં પ્રવેશ ફોર્મ ભરવા માટેની લિંક:
સૈનિક સ્કૂલ માં પ્રવેશ ફોર્મ ભરવા માટેની લિંક અહીં ક્લિક કરો